Repsol Visitors Centre (Cartagena)
The Repsol Visitor Centre is located in the Complejo Industrial Cartagena , in the region of Murcia.
In the eight (8) rooms of the center, a didactic and historical exhibition of everything about energy is made, from the location of oil deposits, through the extraction, until the elaboration of its various derivates.
BGL has supplied, installed, integrated and configured the specific audiovisual equipment in each room, for the fulfillment of the formative function of the exposition, in a modern and efficient environment.
In this way, BGL has equipped the Living Room 1 with a rear-projection system and self-powered loudspeakers; The Multipurpose Rooms, 2 Energy and 5 Refinery with HD player systems; or the Cinema Room with a 3D reproduction system. All supervised by one of the most modern control system on the market.